Above: Sugar Cookie Pebbles cereal photo by theimpulsivebuy
On a whim I picked up a box of Limited Edition Sugar Cookie-flavored Pebbles ™ cereal at the store this weekend. I was thrown off by the “Pebbles” logo at first, wondering if this was a generic thing, but that turns out to be the official name for these Post cereals, with “Fruity” and “Cocoa” being a modifier they slap on there.
I really like the texture and flavor of Cocoa Pebbles. However, I’m not a huge fan of Fruity Pebbles taste. So I wondered: Would these Sugar Cookie Pebbles be tasty like the Cocoa Pebbles, or only so-so, like the Fruity Pebbles?
Right out of the box, the cereal color was impressive. I don’t often find cereals with intentionally-muted colors, but this is one of them. There’s a muted green, a muted red color, and a normal rice-type color. I really liked this look. These would make great decorations for other fun cooking projects. Maybe you could even sprinkle some in your hair as you head out the door to a Christmas party.
When I took my first bite, I was surprised by the amount of vanilla flavor. It’s not a bad taste, but it’s a bit strong. The cereal is also very sweet, and while “sweet” and “full of vanilla” do describe certain types of sugar cookies very well, I don’t think that’s the the type of sugar cookie I would enjoy. So, while it’s a pleasant taste, it is stronger in the taste direction than I would have hoped.
The flavor holds up well across multiple spoonfuls. I finished my first bowl without anything to complain about. However, after one regular-size bowl the next day, I decided that I probably wouldn’t eat more than one bowl of the Sugar Cookie flavor in one sitting (unlike Cocoa Pebbles, which during my college days was good for 3+ bowls in one sitting). The vanilla taste is really strong and hits your nose like a perfume after a while.
So my verdict: If you like novelty cereal, buy it and see if you like it! This wasn’t expensive at all. If you aren’t into novelty and just enjoy things that taste good, buy some of your favorite cereal instead.