Daily Journaling Template Updated, 2019-10
Friday October 11, 2019
I just published some updates to my daily journaling template: Daily Journaling Template, Markdown Format, October 2019
The updates include:
- Rearrangement of the Schedule, To-Do, and Other sections to be close to one another for added efficiency
- Added Optional Activities footnote, as a reminder of other ways of attending to one’s situation
- Simple tip on using the To-Do section (include want-to items; start anywhere)
- Added additional spacing under Other, to free things up a bit
This template now takes a pretty good stab at covering all of the Jungian cognitive functions. That was not my goal to start with, but I’m not surprised that it ended up this way. As a result, I think it can help provide additional balance that may be lacking in a daily routine.
As always:
I continue to use this template myself, and find that it has become one of my most useful tools for near-instant stress relief. Over time, this habit also tends to build a pool of documentation which can be used for knowledge capture.
Filed in: Control /111/ | Technology /41/ | Therapeutic Practice /145/ | Energy /121/ | Feeling /64/ | Fi /35/ | Productivity /120/ | Intuition /63/ | Depression /12/
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