Recently Updated Personal Notes and Frameworks
Wednesday June 26, 2019
If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that I really enjoy & encourage the practice of keeping notes and building one’s own subjective frameworks related to areas of concern or interest.
Pretty much anything that I learn about, and that I may revisit in the future, or which may affect me in the future, I’m keeping a file on. So far this has been incredibly helpful in terms of efficiency, memory, and overall effectiveness across a wide number of tasks and problem areas.
So today I thought I’d run a little command (find . -type f -mtime -10) and see how many personal framework text files I’ve modified in the last 10 days. Here’s that list:
- Framework for understanding Socionics models: Updated with new resources; reorganized the framework
- Framework for Stoller model on estimating IQ via handwriting analysis: Created new framework, a compilation of my notes and experiences with this model in the past. Added notes from my recent experience with a volunteer who wanted to try it.
- Framework for keeping server backups: Updated with new practices and methods that will be easy to reference next time I’m setting up a server. Added a log to record experiences / problems / etc. for future reference.
- General Server Administration Framework and Notes: Updated with new practices and methods learned recently. Added a log to record experiences / problems / lessons learned.
- Home Office Framework: Added lessons learned about maintaining Clarence Oddbody, my cat palm ;-)
- Type Examples Framework: New framework with dozens of personalities typed via their Youtube channels.
- Coaching Session Framework: Updated with new post-session procedures.
- Oh-F-List: New Framework
- Frameworks for relationships with my children: Minor updates to these with new activities to try and other suggestions.
- New Productivity and Note-taking Method Framework: Established new method for note-taking. Some similarities to mind mapping, with some big departures.
- Forgetting a New Model Framework: Ideas and procedures to assist with times when notes or information on a new model has gone missing. It happens.
- Hidden Treasure Framework: Creating and distributing hidden treasure. New framework.
- Resting Framework: New framework; notes on various stages of rest. (As opposed to getting good sleep, in the Sleep Framework)
- SD and TF Card Notes: Added various procedures on formatting and maintaining these sometimes-finicky cards.
- Mysterious Black MP3 Player with Opaque Instructions Framework: Added observations on the use of a mysterious black pocket MP3 player which I purchased online for a suspiciously low amount of cash. (Turns out to be a great FM radio and reasonably good MP3 player…with crossfade?!)
- Amazfit Bip Notes: Notes on using this Father’s Day gift. Liking it so far…
- Movie Enjoyment Framework: Notes on various ways in which to enjoy movies
- GMRS Radio Framework: New framework; added information on GMRS regulations, costs, etc.
- Ham Radio Logbook: Refined organization of my digital ham radio logbook
- Handheld Ham Radio Notes: Added at-a-glance notes and tips covering various handheld radios, in one file for convenience. Deeper notes are available separately
- Swan Astro 102 BX Transceiver Notes: Updated with results from using Swan ST-3 antenna tuner with random wire antenna
- RadioShack Pro 23 Scanner Framework: Added new instructions for additional scanner features.
- Clothing and Hat Care Framework: Added new results from hand-washing hats, making T-shirts with a paint marker, etc.
- Walking Framework: Added new suggested experiments to try in order to increase overall satisfaction with comfort level while walking and hiking.
- Diet Framework: Added new thoughts on exercising while on a heavy cut.
- Movies I Like: New file created to review favorite films.
Phew! It’s a lot. I am gradually, slowly, publishing these online when I can, and when it makes sense to do so.
In the meantime: If you see something here that you like, start a file on it! Take the Ted Nelson lesson to heart. Dive in and take notes on what you learn. You can use my Unified Experiencing Template for this or any other note-taking system that you like.
Filed in: Energy /121/ | Control /111/ | Interests /111/ | Productivity /120/ | Goals /52/ | Openness /49/ | Therapeutic Practice /145/
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