Study Skim: Stress and Coping in Esports and the Influence of Mental Toughness
Thursday June 11, 2020
Just skimming a recent study:
At first it’s like,
This study explored stress and coping in electronic sports (esports) athletes and the influence of mental toughness (MT), as defined by two prominent conceptualizations
Ah nice. I know an esports athlete (now working in industry, but I helped him get an epic scholarship, GO HIM, GO ME) and I would just say: People who do this stuff, please take really good care of yourselves.
And then the study is like,
Mental toughness (both frameworks) was associated with the selection of more problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies and less avoidance coping strategies
Nice! I feel so comfortable when a study tells me things that click into place with my existing, incredibly awesome world view. Phew. ;-)
Anyway. Man, avoidance is a killah! Kill u ded. (My words, not theirs). If it goes too far. Everybody avoids, so some is OK.
Because what are you going to do, avoid avoidance? lmao bruh.
As I said in recent publication, my position is, while avoiding doing stuff it’s a good idea to feel stuff. Push back super hard emotionally, but not just in terms of rage—this is way deeper and it’s sustainable. Us INTJ-bots included.
Some measurement tools that were referenced in the study:
- Stress Appraisal Measure (PDF)
- Brief COPE Inventory (PDF)
- MTI, Mental Toughness Inventory: File Not Found (You can find more info in various studies though)
(Do I hear Hard Copy Clan shifting into high gear? PDFSSSSSS. Oh my.)
Filed in: Anxiety /32/ | Feeling /64/ | Control /111/ | Therapeutic Practice /145/
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