Two Articles about Achievement, Success & Happiness
Friday July 31, 2020
First Article
“In the 1980s, the physician Robert Goldman famously found that more than half of aspiring athletes would be willing to take a drug that would kill them in five years in exchange for winning every competition they entered today, ‘from the Olympic decathlon to the Mr. Universe.’”
—from Why Success Won’t Make You Happy, by Arthur Brooks, writing for The Atlantic, July 30, 2020
and Second Article
“The pursuit of hedonic and long-term goals needn’t be in conflict with one another,” says Bernecker. “Our research shows that both are important and can complement each other in achieving well-being and good health. It is important to find the right balance in everyday life.”
Unfortunately, simply sitting about more on the sofa, eating more good food and going to the pub with friends more often won’t automatically make for more happiness. “It was always thought that hedonism, as opposed to self-control, was the easier option,” says Bernecker. “But really enjoying one’s hedonic choice isn’t actually that simple for everybody because of those distracting thoughts.”
—from Hedonism Leads to Happiness, University of Zurich News, July 27, 2020
Filed in: Goals /52/ | Therapeutic Practice /145/ | Rest /22/ | Control /111/ | Productivity /120/
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