From my Notebook >
Above: Writers love them, but you can draw with fountain pens, too. Just airships though.
Every once in a while I purchase up a fountain pen just to see if my mind can be changed. I’m not a huge fan of fountain pens in general, but since the V-301 is marketed as a companion to the F-301 ballpoint and the M-301 mechanical pencil, and those are fun, cheap writing implements, I thought I would give it a try.
Verdict: This is also a fun, cheap pen. If you really like the 301 line, it’s worth a try. But it’s not a great pen, either.
If you like fountain pens, the price is low enough that the V-301 worth checking out. Here are my accompanying warnings:
Of all the fountain pens I’ve tried, this one writes most like a non-fountain pen. It doesn’t make your writing look like something from an old manuscript, and the tip is just within the boundaries of what I would call “fine point.” Many of the off-the-shelf fountain pens you’ll find in stores put down a considerably thicker line.
I prefer this pen over the Pilot G-2, but it’s not nearly as good as the Uni 207.
While drawing, I noticed that the V-301 was not as forgiving of different angles as typical pens are. If you are a writer, this probably won’t be a problem. If you like to sketch, it might be a tiny bit annoying but in my experience it’s easy to remember.
I also noticed that when you post the cap (stick it on the non-writing end of the pen) it rolls around the pen axis freely. That is a pretty weird sensation, but I almost never post my caps, so it didn’t bother me. Cap sits on the paper? Fine. Cap held in opposite hand? Wonderful!
Thus ends this review.