Semi-serious Activity Tracker >
Beautiful day today, but apparently Covelo is a moaning pit of fire and ash, because I drove by the airport and it looked like a staging area for Operation Linebacker.
At courtside we had a deliciously tense discussion about whether cyclists or drivers are bigger idiots, moderated (naturally) by someone who drives a Recreational Vehicle. I don’t know why I do this, but sometimes I ratchet up the pressure a bit when things get ridiculous. So I admitted to having once ridden a bicycle on a sidewalk. The RV driver glared at me like he wanted to dangle me from a skyscraper.
What I didn’t tell him was, I was actually hit by two college students exiting a McDonald’s drive-thru, while I was riding my bike on the sidewalk. That would have probably knocked him over and bowled his angry skeletal frame across the court.
(Also that accident took place in Japan. A cop arrived who was OVER SIX FEET TALL and looked at me like a long-lost brother. He grinned and asked me if I did Judo. Not yet brother, but soon, I wanted to say.)
I also learned at the court today:
As you can tell, my mental filter was totally out of whack and I had a frustrating day at the courts. My partner and I lost our last match, 11-0. Then when I said I had to go home, everybody said, “WHY GO HOME NOW IT CAN ONLY GET BETTER?!!!” Look, I told you 20 minutes ago I was going home now. WHY WOULD YOU HURT ME LIKE THAT?
Then I came home to a bunch of Libertarian posts on Facebook. Of course I don’t hate Libertarians. That would be ridiculous and there are probably TONS of nice ones who walk around all day whistling Disney theme songs. And I can appreciate the Experienced Libertarian creed of community education by Facebook status update, but sometimes it feels like coming home to a roommate who watches Falling Down over and over every day. Or like coming home to a parent who watches The News all day.
I do like my political friends who intersperse their political comments with fun & interesting tidbits, though. Like did you know that Kangaroos can jump over 30 feet while they’re on the move? Also this guy in New York proposed to this girl in this funny way.
I also like the political status updates where a friend of a friend will comment with a short but sweet “I love you but you are wrong about this.” Those crack me up.